A brand new 2021 4003 was sent to us with the mandate to give it a makeover in Mink.

Our very first Mink refinish was done for Paul Boyer on one of his 4001s, back in 2005. He described it as a burst fading from Pale Lavender at the center through to Deep Brown at the edges. Apparently it was once offered by Gibson on some Les Paul models. From his verbal description, we mixed the burst colors and sprayed it. It was a five-colour burst, from Pale Lavender to Orange to Red to Burgundy to Deep Brown-Black. It’s a striking color combination, and we’ve done both basses and guitars in this lovely and unusual color, always with gold pick guards to bring out the warmth of the burst.

That, in a nutshell, describes the finish seen on the brand new 2021 4003 shown below!